Senior Cat Goes Viral for Loving His Sweater

The Unique Feline with a Love for Sweaters

Cats are known for their distinct personalities, and Steve, a senior cat from New Jersey, is no exception. He recently gained internet fame on Imgur when his owner posted a video of him complaining about having his sweater removed.

senior cat

A Cozy Companion

Unlike most cats, Steve adores wearing sweaters all the time. They keep him warm and comfortable, and he’s become quite attached to them. He’s an affectionate cat who loves to cuddle, making his passion for sweaters even more endearing.

cat hug with human

Discovering Steve’s Sweater Love

When Steve’s owner moved to another city, she put a sweater on him to keep him warm during the journey. Initially, he was hesitant, but he soon grew fond of it. Now, if anyone tries to remove his sweater, he complains until it’s put back on and he can snuggle up for a nap.

cat with sweater

Warming Hearts with His Sweater Style

Steve’s love for sweaters has captivated the internet, with his photos on Imgur melting even the iciest of hearts. At 18 years old, this unique feline has certainly found his signature style.

cat sleep in sweater