Big Puma Taking a Nap, But When he Wakes Up, He’s Got Cutest ‘meow’ Ever!

If you are living with a cat, you will cherish every moment that you spend with them. And if not you should probably start doing that.
This big puma kitty just loves to sleep, but there is one thing that he loves more than that. The puma kitty has a huge heart filled with love for his hooman.
He meows at his hooman even in his sleep.

The puma cat spends most of his time curling up in his bed. It’s the best spot that he could find in the entire home.

He is an amazing cat that listens to his hooman. Well, cats don’t usually do that. But this one is so lovely.

Even in sleep, he can’t stop meowing at him. This is one of the most adorable things!