Cat Enters a Lecture in a Malaysian University, Gets Bored and Falls Asleep

The International Islamic University in Malaysia was recently a site for something rarely seen. During one lecture, a cat dropped in through a window uninvited and shown interest in hearing what the lecture is about. However, she fell asleep quickly, probably because the lecture was pretty boring. To be honest, most of them are.

The funny moment was caught on video by a student named Elynna Hashri. She shared the video of the cat going to sleep on the Internet and it didn’t take long for it to go viral.

A New Cat Meme Incoming

The cat fell asleep pretty fast, and Internet users made it a meme for boring Uni classes around the world. Once the cat fell asleep, no students touched it. They know how boring lectures are and would surely sleep through them themselves, but that would be unethical and rude. Unless you’re a cat.

Below you can see some of the funniest Internet reactions to the cat falling asleep. We like the ‘First 30 minutes of class vs. After the first 30 minutes of class’ meme the most.

What’s your favorite?