Cat Discovers Mountain Lion Under Its Home, Rushes to Tell the Owner

Imagine finding a mountain lion hiding beneath your house. You’d be stunned, right? Many people can freeze in these situations, but not cats. A short time ago, a cat discovered a mountain lion beneath his parents’ house and immediately rushed to tell them.

How did he tell them? Well, the cat started meowing loudly so they guessed something was wrong. They say that he loves spending time under the deck, and after noticing him yelling that loud, they walked with him to see what’s up. To their surprise, he led them under the house where they were shocked to find a mountain lion.

A quick call to the authorities and the big cat was safely removed from the property. Wesley the cat has been hailed a true hero, and if you ask us, he gets all the plaudits. His owner, Lily, said that something must have terrified him to meow that loud. She thought it was a bobcat at first, since she didn’t believe a mountain lion could be in Englewood. The Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff confirmed that it was the latter indeed, and tranquilized him before removing the big cat.

It all turned out great, with no harm done to the animal or the staff. Why did it get under the house? It was probably looking for some shade, the staff said. Mountain lions are not aggressive, but they might attack people or other animals if they feel threatened.

After a quick check-up, it was released back into the wild. It has Wesley to thank for his newfound freedom, so if they ever find themselves together in a spot, we at least expect a fist bump.