Kitty with Unique Face Looks for Someone That Will Love Him Like He Is

Take a look at this kitty with a lopsided grin. It was recently saved from a life on the street and diagnosed with numerous diseases. The staff from Life Rescue Network was kind enough to help it survive, and the Joker-like kitty is now the face of the center.

Named Pinocchio, the kitten was saved by Jacqueline Santiago, founder of the center. She took him in because of the unique grin, but after the vets diagnosed it with that many diseases, they didn’t know what to do. The poor kitten was malnourished, dehydrated, infested with fleas, and suffering from many problems. If it wasn’t for Jacqueline, it might have been put down.

Some of the problems included an enlarged heart, digestive issues, deviated septum, umbilical hernia, and more. Jacqueline started researching all those health problems and wondered if Pinocchio can actually survive. Even with all those problems, the kitty was behaving like any other.

Pinocchio was a very sociable cat who made instant friends with other pets. He’s very confident in his social skills, even with the unique look. He always runs up to anyone who enters the room and loves any pets and people he meets.

After a lot of surgeries, Pinocchio was taken to a foster home by Mel Lamprey. She understood that he needed a lot of help but decided it was worth a shot. He was put on complex medications, and since the treatment took place during the pandemic, it was pretty difficult to find the medicine. However, Mel and the team didn’t give up, and he eventually left the foster home to a new forever home.

Hopefully, this story will inspire others to stay strong. No matter how hard life is, we can weather any storm and overcome everything.