Man Set Up Hidden Camera To Record What His Cat Does At Night And It’s Hilarious

Cats absolutely love to sleep and are very well-known for sleeping up to 12 to 16 hours a day. But what about when we, their humans, are safely tucked up in bed during the night?
A cat dad in Thailand decided he was going to find out so he set up a hidden camera to record his furbaby while he himself was sleep. Of course, the guy was prepared to see some pretty strange activity but he never for one moment expected to see his kitty keeping watch over his sleeping body.

Man Set Up Hidden Camera To Record What His Cat Does At Night And It’s Hilarious 1

As you can clearly see in the images he photographed, he managed to catch some pretty perfect shots.

Man Set Up Hidden Camera To Record What His Cat Does At Night And It’s Hilarious 2

Man Set Up Hidden Camera To Record What His Cat Does At Night And It’s Hilarious 3

Man Set Up Hidden Camera To Record What His Cat Does At Night And It’s Hilarious 5

If your kitty is disrupting your sleep cycles there are actually a few things you can try to get them onto the same sleep pattern as you. Try to get your cat tired by having hearty play sessions in the evening before you go to bed. You can also try feeding them just before bedtime, cats tend to sleep more solidly after eating a big meal.

The best remedy of all, of course, is to keep your cat locked out of the bedroom at night – after all, But of course, most of us cat lovers would never ever go with that last suggestion!