Smudge The Cat – Superstar of 2019 (Woman Yelling at Cat 20+ Memes)

Smudge the Cat was the absolute BIGGEST cat meme of 2019! However, did you know Smudge also happens to be the largest and longest-running cat meme of all time? So far, these particular memes have in upwards of 4 million.
If you somehow don’t know who Smudge is yet, then you clearly live underneath some kind of a rock. Or, perhaps, you know him best by the “Woman Yelling at Cat Meme.”
Smudge is such a big star now that one particular artist created an extremely lengthy comic about these cat mems!
Below are more than 30 of just some of the most popular Smudge . Be sure to keep scrolling to see all of them and feel free to let us know in a comment which one(s) are your favorites!






















