The poor cat you can see in the picture below is called Lady. Its full name is Lady in a Fur Coat, but most people call her just Lady. Lady was a stray who was helped by the Dane County Humane Society after she was brought in by people who noticed she needs help. She had severe infections and hematomas in her ears, so the vets decide to remove her ear flaps.
Without her ears, Lady had almost 0% chance of getting adopted. However, seeing her without them, a member of the shelter’s staff had a great idea. She crocheted a bonnet in shape of cat ears, making Lady a charming and attractive cat.
Facebook to the Rescue
As soon as Lady got her pair of ‘new’ ears, her story was shared on the organization’s Facebook page. The post went viral soon after, and Lady was adopted in only 24 hours. Life may have been hard on our poor Lady, but she managed to snag a new pair of ears and a forever home thanks to the shelter.
The inability doesn’t stop Lady from being a very cool and loving cat. She loves her new home and owners, and we’re glad that her story had a happy ending.