This Cat Can’t Find a New Home Due to Sneezing

This adorable cat was brought one day to a rescue center with a chronic case of rhinitis. The cat is constantly congested and has a runny nose. He sneezes all the time, which is probably the biggest reason why it can’t find a new forever home.

Little Elliot is a 9-year old tabby who was brought to Cats Protection a couple of months ago. The staff there is sure that it’s the sneezing that keeps him from finding new owners, which is pretty sad. The cat is perfectly normal apart from all the sneezing and acts just like any other cat. Tania Marsh, deputy manager at the center, says that Elliot’s condition doesn’t stop him from being a normal cat. She admits that that’s the reason that puts many people off which is a shame. Cats with conditions may seem like a lot to handle in the beginning, but they adjust to life pretty well later.

Elliot is so cute that it baffles us how he hasn’t been adopted yet. We even find his sneezing cute. If you’re anything like us, contact the center and give this kitty the home he deserves.