A Warm Goodbye – Cat and Dog Meet for the Final Time After the Pup Finds a New Home

Goodbyes are always painful, even when they are for the best. The video below shares such a moment of a heartbreaking goodbye between a Stafford pup and his best friend cat. Elvis the Stafford and Cheerio the cat formed a strong bond after the cat was adopted. Their owner, Corrinne Minnard, says that the two were inseparable every day.

Elvis was part of a litter from the family’s show dogs when Cheerio was brought home. As soon as he learned to walk, Elvis hit it off with the cat, and they’ve been best buds since. Out of the nine puppies in the litter, Elvis was the last to get a new home.

Before he was adopted, Corrinne let Elvis and Cheerio hang out one last time. The duo had the time of their life and a cute, yet a bit heartbreaking farewell. We’re just happy that this is a goodbye for the best, and we’re sure Cheerio will find a new best bud quickly.