Blind Dog and His Seeing Cat Partner Find a New Forever Home

Just like humans, some pets require special help. As we rely on others for support—both mental and emotional—, some pets can get all the help they need. But, this blind dog has an unusual helper. You would expect to see another dog, but in reality, it’s a cat. It’s an unlikely duo but one that was so cute a family couldn’t set them apart.

Bonded Forever

The duo’s story was shared online by the Saving Grace center and caught the attention of one woman. They were inseparable for 8 years, but due to the dog’s blindness and the fact that they always go in pair, adoption requests were unlikely. Saving Grace’s director Erin Deems was determined to find them a home, and social media helped.

While many felt sorry for the dog, Spike, he was just as happy as any other pup. His partner in crime, Max, was always there for the blind dog. They were always together and Erin wanted to find a home that’ll get them both.

Their new home is all the way in Manitoba. Thanks to the social media post, they found a new mom quickly, and have already settled in nicely. We hope they live long and prosperous lives together.