Gus and His Cheeks Finally Get a Loving New Home Like They Deserve

Remember Gus the cat? He was a viral sensation on the web thanks to his incredible cheeks. Since the last time we checked up on him, Gus was back to the vet for a few examinations, and he has responded to the therapy well. Now free of any health problems, he’s doing incredibly well with his foster mom Ashley AKA The Youngest Old Cat Lady.

Gus came her way during a massive TNR project at a local barn. He was one out of 50 cats trapped there, but out of them all, she recognized there’s something special about him. Gus and his cheeks were more than enough for Ashley to pick him in her foster care. And they were a perfect match, with Gus cuddling with his foster mom all day long.

There were a bit of digestive problems in the beginning which led to Gus having diarrhea for a month. But, that has passed with the help of a vet, and he’s now doing much better. Once he was better, Gus was neutered, with no complication to follow. Look at this pic after the surgery – he’s not joking around 😀

After a few more vet check-ups, Ashley posted that Gus was finally available for adoption. The world has fallen in love with him and his cheeks, and we’re sure there will be dozens of adopters lining up. He deserves it.