Shelter Cat Gets Adopted, Goes from Saddest to Happiest Cat on Earth in Days

Internet, meet Mr. Bruce Willis. Not the Hollywood movie star, but Bruce Willis the cat. Bruce made the rounds on the Internet some time ago when brought to a shelter. He went viral because of the sad face, and considering his street track, we can see why he wasn’t happy. According to his new mom, he spent over six years on the street, rejected by everyone.

One lucky day, he was saved by volunteers by the Minnesota Animal Humane Society. They cleaned Bruce, patched him up, and he was ready for adoption in no time. It didn’t take long for Bruce Willis to find a new home. He was adopted in just a month by Sandra, a big cat lover who gave Bruce the love he deserves.

On the latest set of pics, Bruce isn’t sad anymore. He’s smiling once again, and went from saddest to happiest cat in just the span of a month. He was a bit sick with upper respiratory infection for a while, but Sandra was patient and he pulled through. Now, he gets all the love in the world, living a comfortable life unlike the one he found on the street.

Take a look at Bruce’s new pics now…how big of a difference one month makes, right? We’re happy that they found each other, as the cat deserved it.