Three Kittens with Only Two Eyes Between Them Find the Home They Deserve

Look at these three cuties – they might only have a pair of healthy eyes between them, but that doesn’t mean everyone’s given up on them. Dolly, Molly, and Polly were brought in from the streets to the Cats Protection Atherton and Wigan branch when they were just 2 months old. They obviously had trouble seeing, and after a vet check-up, it was assessed that they suffered significant eye damage, probably due to an untreated infection.

Three Kittens with Only Two Eyes

Surgery was necessary, and Polly and Molly had one eye removed. Dolly’s condition was more severe, and both her eyes needed to be removed. When they got stronger, they were moved into a rehoming unit. The blind kittens’ chances of adoption weren’t great, but the staff believed. In just a short time, a candidate emerged. Su Taylor from Hindley was prepared for the challenge and took all three kittens home with her.

She didn’t regret the choice. Su renamed the three cats – Polly is now called Blink, Molly is TLC, and Dolly is Team – because there’s no I in team. The three cats work together as a team to have fun and never let their disability prevent them from living an (almost) normal life. We’re lucky that Su adopted them, and wish them all the best in their endeavors.