Tiny Kitten Eats for the First Time Since Being Rescued

With winter having already arrived, we can’t think about the kittens stranded on the streets. They aren’t safe from the weather or accidents and it breaks our heart seeing these stories online. Millions of strays are found on the street every year, either abandoned by their owners or just born there under special circumstances. These poor kittens don’t have the luxury of a warm home or regular meals. While adult cats can care for themselves, baby kittens are left on their own.

Tiny Kitten Eats for the First Time Since Being Rescued

That’s why it warms our heart when good Samaritans or charity organizations save kittens from the street. The latest such story comes from the USA where a kitten was saved from a life on the streets and taken to a shelter to food and a warm blanket.

When the kitten got there, the first thing the staff did was to give him some food. It was obviously starving, considering how it ate its first meal. It was obvious that the kitten didn’t have a meal for a long time, gobbling the food without hiding its excitement.

It’s the cutest thing you’ll see today, so check out the video below. We hope all stray kittens are saved from the streets this winter and get a warm meal in their bellies.