10+ Photos Of Pets Who Get Cozy Wherever They Are!

When your fur-babies begin to feel tired, a nap may be unavoidable. As pet parents, we all understand that our pets have a special, super power: they are all able to get comfortable just about anywhere! Anywhere from on top of a marble statue to the inside of a tiny box — just about every imaginable space is perfect to them!

It’s for precisely this reason that we would now like to share some images of pets who can certainly enjoy life in the craziest of places and positions.

Feel free to let us know in a Facebook comment your favorite pictures and feel free to post  photos of your own napping pets in the ‘comments section.’

#1 This cat wants more attention.

#2 “The territory has been overtaken!”

#3 What do you think of this KFC bucket?

#4 Most cats really love being near the fire.

#5 “I sleep whereever I want.”