Man Recovering From Surgery Wakes Up To Cat Snuggling With Him – He Doesn’t Have A Cat

Most of the time, a good snuggle is the very best medicine of all.

Andrew Falloon’s father was fresh out of an operation and that’s when he was visited by a surprise furry guest. After his had gone out, leaving the door slightly ajar, Mr. Falloon was found sound asleep with a kitty resting on him – but here’s the thing – Mr. Falloon doesn’t own a cat!

While no one seems to know where the cat came from, they’re glad it came at just the right time.

“I’m just happy Dad’s on the mend,” Andrew told Mashable via email, adding, “and if the photo made a few people smile that’s nice too.” He says it’s been viewed over 16 million times so far.

And, of course, there’s no place better than Twitter to post about a random cat snuggle experience. The picture and its sweet, tender story have garnered a lot of reactions, obviously.

The owner versus staff discrepancy is very important to highlight.

“Sir, allow me to read you your Calico Rights”.

Just what everyone needs – a TTC (Traveling Therapy Cat).

Users even began sharing pictures of their own “therapets.”

The thread was soon one big cat owner forum.

Problem – don’t expect Andrew’s father to begin blogging about cats any time soon. He claims his father isn’t the biggest cat person to begin with. Plus, he’s not into tweeting.

“Now I need to explain to Dad what Twitter is,” Andrew concluded.

We here at Tweetcat are not certain whatever became of the snuggling kitty!