Adorable Cat Loves Doing “Trust Falls” Into Her Dad’s Arms And It’s The Sweetest

Cats instinctively do not trust most human beings, and they certainly will never trust strange humans as much dogs might. Even though we feed them, shelter them and take the best care we can of them, they are still very aloof and quite independent. not affectionate and certainly untrainable. It’s for this reason, that when a cat truly does trust you, it’s truly a wonderful experience!

Adorable Cat Loves Doing “Trust Falls” Into Her Dad’s Arms And It’s The Sweetest 1

The cat in the video you are about to see is named Didga. She absolutely loves to do trust falls with her human. In the video clip, which was posted on Didga’s YouTube page Catmantoo, you can clearly see Didga the cat continually trust falling back into the arms of her owner.

Adorable Cat Loves Doing “Trust Falls” Into Her Dad’s Arms And It’s The Sweetest 2

“A hundred percent against their instinct, Didga (cat) overcomes the urge to spin to point her feet in the direction falling, (cats always land on their feet remember) she “trusts” me to catch her as she falls straight back into my hands,” Didga’s owner states.

Be sure to watch Didga’s inspiring video just below: