We’re quite sure you are all familiar with Animal Planet’s show called “Too Cute!”. This particular show allows everyone watching a very rare glimpse into the world of puppies and kittens with awesome footage and even some never-before-seen clips of the early lives of dogs and cats, as well as the materials are just too cute!
And now, at a time when social distancing forces each and every one of us to remain at home, the Channel recently announced that they will be airing a 94-hour marathon of all this cute and cuddly content to make these rough days go by just a bit easier.
1. In each one of the episodes, they follow various litters of baby animals, often puppies and kittens, from the time they are just days-old squirming bundles of love and joy all the way through the major milestones which occur in their first few months
2. So, if you happen to be planning to watch it, you can surely expect to see for yourself these adorable little felines, precious little puppies and maybe even a few piglets during this “Too Cute!” celebration.
3. The marathon will begin on Animal Planet Wednesday, Mar. 18 at 12 p.m. ET/ PT and runs through Saturday, Mar. 22 at 8 p.m. ET/ PT.