Jealous Kitty Doesn’t Want Owner To Take Photos Of New Kitten!

Madison Ellis is a junior over at the University of Florida and is actually studying to become a veterinarian. She cares for all her pets all by herself with a little bit of help from her mom whom she lives with.

The newest addition to the family at one point was this then 2 month-old kitten she named Cinderella, or Ella for short. Madison managed to rescue this kitten when she almost ran over her on a dark road one night.

Ella is a, adorable and funny little cat and Madison explained that she’s not scared of anything. She loves to chase the dogs all around the house and sometimes even teases the other cats who are probably three times her size.

At the time, because Ella was sol very young, Madison fed her special kitten food, unlike the other cats, including Jesus, who is described as a very clingy fur-baby.

Since Madison has numerous animals, she feeds the other cats in the bath tub in order to stop the dogs from invading the cats’ food. One day, Ella wanted to join in and hopped up into the bath all on her own. The hilarious moment was recorded onto video in the clip below for you to see. Enjoy!