Woman And Her Cat Survive After Car Plunges Into River

Massachusetts – A woman was luckily able to save herself and also her cat after the car they were riding in plunged into a Massachusetts river.

Blackstone Fire Chief Michael Sweeney went on to explain that the woman had just picked up her cat from the groomer Saturday when she crashed the car into the Blackstone River. Sweeney stated that the woman managed to grab the cat and climbed out the window before the car sank into the water. The cat, during the car ride, was in a pet carrier.

The woman, who is in her 60’s, was taken to the hospital to be treated for cuts on her hand. Both the woman and the cat are expected to be OK.

Sweeney has states that the woman is a “spunky lady.” He says “to be able to do what she did and get out of that car, she was amazing.” Hero!